Is there any way to impliemnt the BACKGROUND notification on the watch extension?

Hello guys, I just watch the apple watch complication course, about the notification part I had a few questions. (I was following this lesson: Push Notifications by Tutorials, Chapter 14: watchOS | Kodeco )

is there any way to impliemnt the BACKGROUND notification on the watch extension? I tried to change the local apns to background notification style as apple documention but not working. I was running with xcode 14.2 and watchos 9.

this is my payloads

trying to get it working by calling didReceiveRemoteNotification in ExtensionDelegate

but not working.

another trying to call didReceive in NotificationController, also not working

already enable the background mode in targets

enabled the notification in schema

and I can receive notification by normal payload, only background notification not working.

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