Is there any tutorial for html text editor in this book

Hi I bought the book iOS 11 Tutorials recently from amazon. it took some time to give me the book, I wonder to know if there is any tutorial on it to use pdfkit and to create pdfs, and also how to implement an editor to write and edit texts, and save the final one in pdf format. dose this book includes these tutorials and knowledge?
I Will Appreciate your response

Hi @miladbigle,
The book iOS 11 Tutorials have Chapter12 dedicated to PDFKit. It takes you through working with PDF files, however if you are looking to manage PDF’s like compiling multiple PDFs into one and extracting a file, etc then you might want to consider using a library/external source.



Or you could just save. Txt file to the FILES app open it tap the square icon with the arrow at the top and choose save as PDF to iBooks

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