Kodeco Forums

Is Swift Ready For The Enterprise?

In this article, learn how developers have successfully implemented Swift in the enterprise - and how they've manged the challenges along the way!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/692-is-swift-ready-for-the-enterprise

Hi @timmitra

Do you know of anyone using server side Swift for enterprise?

Not off hand. Let me check my notes.

I’m not looking at Swift seriously until Apple (a) bolt down ABI and (b) are demonstrably making serious use of it themselves. Only then will we know that it’s not going to go the same way as (e.g.) Garbage Collection. In this article (Is Apple Using Swift in iOS?. Apple has been actively evangelizing… | by Ryan Olson | iOS App Development | Medium) the claim is made that the only Apple app shipping with iOS is Calculator. Now, in fairness, that article is one year old. Has the situation changed much in the last year? Would be nice to think so, but I’m unconvinced. Playgrounds, maybe?

And then there’s ABI. Manyana, manyana… I have this crazy idea that if the language wasn’t getting a make-over every five minutes, and Apple were seriously using it in their own apps, that experience would better inform the development of the language and we might even end up with ABI while they’re pausing for breath. Just dreaming, I guess… :wink: