Is it worth it for developers to move from Java to Kotlin

According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2018, Kotlin is the 2nd most loved language and the 4th most wanted worldwide. TechBeacon also took it in the list of 5 young programming languages with a great future.

Many developers now are moving their projects to Kotlin. In speaking of famous ones, I can name Pinterest, Uber, Coursera, Trello, Evernote. I work in the company that uses Kotlin for Android dev, and Java - for maintaining old projects only.

JetBrains created the language so that it could work everywhere where Java works, implement the same tasks much simpler while writing short readable code.

Java, surely, is a good language for building Android solutions. So, there are a lot of questions like should they move to Kotlin, should they combine both technologies, is Kotlin better than Java, and more.

Android development with Kotlin language: Kotlin benefits, features, the latest updates.

Hi @dianam,
I believe this is similar to your other question.

Short answer → Yes, it is worth as it will help you write readable and manageable code

Java will not go anywhere, if it does get replaced by Kotlin, it will become like Cobol, Fortan (Legacy Languages) that will still pay a lot for those developers that can use them.

Now you can use Kotlin with most technology where Java was the main language like Sprint Boot, Android development, etc.

Hope that gives you a start to determine if that is useful for you or not.



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