iOS: Flutter/flutter.h file not found

No matter the research on google, can’t seem to fix this flutter/flutter.h even though the Android app works and has been deployed

No matter the research on google, can’t seem to fix this flutter/flutter.h even though the Android app works and has been deployed HealthCareGov

If you’re facing issues with flutter/flutter.h in your Flutter project, here are some steps to help you resolve the problem:

  1. Check Flutter Installation: Run flutter doctor to ensure your Flutter SDK is installed correctly and updated.
  2. Verify Podfile Configuration (iOS): Navigate to the ios directory of your project and run pod install to ensure CocoaPods is set up correctly. If there are issues, update the pods with pod repo update and then pod install.
  3. Clean and Rebuild the Project: Use flutter clean followed by flutter pub get to clear cached build artifacts. Then run flutter run to build the project again.
  4. Check Xcode Project Settings (iOS): Open your project in Xcode, verify that the “Header Search Paths” includes $(inherited), and ensure that the Flutter framework is properly linked in the “Link Binary with Libraries” section.
  5. Verify flutter.h File Path: Ensure the flutter.h file is present in the Flutter/ directory of your Flutter SDK.
  6. Build Configuration: Confirm that you’re using the correct build configuration for your target platform, as issues can arise when building for the simulator versus a physical device.
  7. Update Dependencies: In your pubspec.yaml, update your dependencies and run flutter pub upgrade to ensure everything is current.
  8. Restart IDE/Computer: Sometimes a simple restart of your IDE or computer can clear up caching issues.
  9. Review Logs for Errors: Check the console logs for any detailed error messages that could provide more insight into what might be going wrong.