In this video, you'll be introduced to "iOS design patterns" including what they are and how they're useful.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
In this video, you'll be introduced to "iOS design patterns" including what they are and how they're useful.
I think it would be usefull to describe the architecture of the app ie the moviing parts and how they fit together before you start to reorganise and refactor it. It would make followng the course easier, especially for people with limited exposure to more complex apps.But full marks so far.
I’m really interested in design patterns and even whole architecture-concepts right now, as I worked for a project where some structure like this was more or less totally missing. That’s really not much fun, especially when the project grows over time.
MVC-N and MVVM are a good start to the topic, I think. But what about some more advanced / special or even experimental approaches like VIPER, VIP (Clean Swift), Flux or Redux? Would be awesome if you would cover at least some of them maybe in a future series!
But anyway big thanks for this series, can’t wait to see the rest of the videos.
Where is the code for the app?
The code is available via a “download materials” button for videos 2 and on… that is, after this introduction video. :]
I thought so too! Check out the next video, which does just this. :]
Yep, we’ve all been there…! :[
It’s possible to refactor and make changes over time, but I definitely agree, it’s easier if you start right from the beginning.
Still, starting “now” is better than “never,” right? ;]
There are some advanced topics covered in this series for sure.
Check out the multicast closure delegate pattern and implementation thereof, for example… not only does it have awesome multicast goodness, you even make it thread safe… in a generic way! That’s advanced stuff, I think?
And building on that, there’s a neat, pragmatic video about implementing an auto login authentication client right thereafter. There’s definitely something to be learned in these two, even for advanced developers.
Moar, you say? ;]
I’m with you- I wanted to cover more patterns too, but we had to draw the line somewhere. Ultimately, we decided on 11 videos showcasing intermediate/advanced patterns that are somewhat common but not necessarily well understood.
But yes, I’ll keep these patterns in mind for the next edition! :]