iOS Debugging Fundamentals, Episode 9: SwiftUI View Debugging | Kodeco, the new

Learn how to use Debug Previews to debug SwiftUI code using Previews instead of relying on a simulator or device.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hi there, in this lesson you show how to enable the debug preview in live preview panel, but I have two questions.

  1. the UI changed in latest x code, and even in Xcode menu there is no such debug preview, is now “authomatic” or disappeared?
  2. it is not clear to me what kind of advantage it should give to me, could you explain it a little more?.


Hello @biggreentree,

I want to start by apologizing for not responding to your messages immediately. Thank you for been a reader of our materials.

I will be pinging the right persons to provide you with the questions here so he can provide you a response. And i will check back in some days time.

Cc @ifeli

Hi and thank you for your question. Apologies for not replying sooner.

Unfortunately, and per the Apple Forums, it appears this feature has been removed from recent versions of Xcode: Debug Previews | Apple Developer Forums

The recommended approach is to run your app in the simulator for debugging.

To answer your original question, the idea behind this was to easily debug your SwiftUI views without the need to run the app in the simulator.

Hope this helped and thanks for checking out our content :slight_smile:

Hello @biggreentree
We hope that the response provided by @ifeli was helpful in addressing your concerns.

If you have further questions or need additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask. Our community is here to support you!