hi Rakesh: I cover this in Part 2 — sync/async is about what happens on the source queue; serial/concurrent is about what happens on the destination queue, so the answer to your question is “no”: sync task on concurrent queue blocks its source queue and runs with other tasks on the concurrent queue; async task on serial queue doesn’t block its source, but must wait its turn in the serial queue
Is it possible to return a value from main() in an asynchronous Operation ?
In this image, I would want to send a reference of the downloadTask to my DownloadManager class.
hi Preetham: you should supply a completion handler as one of the operation’s inputs; when the operation finishes, it sends back whatever you specify. In my upcoming URLSession video course, I write a QueryOperation subclass of AsyncOperation, and one of its input parameters is a completion handler that returns output and error when the operation finishes.
there’s a bit about caching policy … have a look when it comes out, and leave a comment if you’d like to know more.
an odd thing about the cache policy enumeration: when I tried changing from the default in playground, it kept showing a message that “this isn’t implemented”, so I’m not sure what’s going on there.
Do you know of anything that happened between 2016 and 2017’s releases that you feel is not covered well enough in this release? This is incredibly important material, but I don’t know of anything new that warranted an update after last WWDC. I’m currently going with the idea of having this course updated after Swift 5 comes out, because I know that will represent a major change for concurrency. During WWDC, I plan to assess if that release will take too long. If it will, then an update for iOS 12, Xcode 10, and Swift 4.2 or so might make more sense.
If i want to learn more and understand deeply about iOS concurrency with GCD & Operations, besides your videos, does Raywenderlich’s bookstore have any books talk about it deeply like your videos too ?
If there is any books like this, would you please show me the title of that book?
Your support is really important to me.
hi! I can’t think of any of our books that cover concurrency in more detail than this course. We have a few tutorials: I include links to them in the course, or just search for them on the site.
Dear Miss Audrey,
Thanks for your quick answer.
I will search from Raywenderlich site about this topic as your suggestion.
Once again, thank you so much for your reply.