IOS Apprentice V6 - Bullseye - pg 46 - doesn't like "present("

Yes, I’m behind is going thru this tutorial. Could someone point me to an errata for this book? Or point me to the latest tutorial?

Thanks so much,


Other than for minor spelling issues, there have been no major issues requiring a listing of errata for the book :slight_smile: So, there is none, I’m afraid.

You will find discussions of the issues faced by others in the “iOS Apprentice” section of the forum. However, the issue you mention is not one I’ve seen mentioned by anyone else.

Unfortunately, your description doesn’t really tell me what is going on either since I don’t know what the error you’re seeing is. Can you please provide a screenshot or additional details?

Here is a screen shot. I am using Xcode 7.2.1

Thank you for your help,

Ah, that would be he issue :slight_smile: If you read the cover of “iOS Apprentice” (or page 16, which is the first page of actual content), you will note that the book is for Xcode 9 :smiley: There are many differences in the Swift version available in Xcode 7.x and Xcode 9. So if you want to try out the code from “iOS Apprentice” v6, then you need to upgrade your Xcode and then everything would work correctly.

Ahh! That is indeed my issue. And upon trying to load Xcode 8, it turns out that I need Sierra. And my present machine is too old for it. Big sigh. I guess that I will put this off until I can get a new iMac.

Thank you for your quick response. I’m looking forward to jumping back into the book when I get everything upgraded.

Alternatively, you can use an older version of the book to use it with your current set up. I believe version 4 of the book should work with Xcode 7, but do make sure you check before you proceed since I might be wrong :slight_smile:

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