iOS Apprentice MyLocations

When I run the app from p.820 in version 8.1.0 of iOS Apprentice, I get
latitudeLabel.text = 0.0
longitudeLabel.text = 0.0
addressLabel.text = “No Address Found”

However the CurrentLocationController shows the correct location and Address for Apple in the simulator.

I followed the code for the segue between both views but it appears that the data didn’t get transferred properly from CurrentLocationViewController to LocationDetailsViewControler.

My print statements show a warning “Expression implicitly coerced from ‘String?’ to ‘Any’”

Up to now everything was working fine.


Solved!! I used ‘Tag Location’ instead of ‘TagLocation’ in the segue — a good learning experience!!!

@syktek Glad you sorted it out! Cheers! :]

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