iOS 12 & Swift 4.2


I’ve recently purchased Swift Apprentice v4, and I read that it’s possible to read this in parallel with the iOS Apprentice book. Does that mean the topics covered in both books are in the exact same order, as in you can read up to a certain point in iOS Apprentice and then catch up on what you just saw a tad more theoretically ( Swift wise ) via Swift Apprentice?

Kind Regards,

They are quite different books in terms of organization, so I would say no.

IOS Apprentice is a walk through building four apps step by step. The code is introduced as needed to make the apps work. Some more advanced things will inevitably be introduced early on. Many things get repeated as you go through the four different apps.

Swift Apprentice is a more methodical guide through all the parts of Swift, starting with basics and building up. It is more like a text book with lots of exercises to do, and can also be used as a reference book for Swift. You can certainly look up things you encounter in the Apprentice, but they won’t be in the same order.

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Ahh ok

Thank you for the informative answer!

Both books have their own structure and line of progression. They are independent.

The Swift Apprentice book teaches you the language and only the language. Remember you can use Swift not only to build iOS mobile apps, but also to create server-side apps, Linux and internet of objects apps. Swift is truly a full stack development language.

The Apple Swift Programming Language book is certainly the best Swift language text book.

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