Learn how the new thread sanitizer in Xcode 8 makes it really easy to find, diagnose and fix all your threading issues!
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/4972-ios-10-thread-sanitizer
Learn how the new thread sanitizer in Xcode 8 makes it really easy to find, diagnose and fix all your threading issues!
Good job, thanks for being so quick with the new updates to IOS, helped me a lot!
The starter project appears to be the finished tutorial. Is it possible to post the actual start of the project?
Hi @dcdude
There are no starter projects for the screencasts. They aren’t really designed to be easy to follow along, so instead we just post the completed project. There are very few changes made in this project, so it should be possible to remove them to see how the thread sanitiser works.
The iOS 10 by Tutorials book will of course have a starter and completed project for the chapter that covers this topic. It’s currently being written, so you can expect it to land in the coming weeks.
Thank you for the quick response! I find I learn better by typing, but you’ve compressed a lot of info into a short span of time. Great video!
Hi! First of all thank you for the Tutorial.
Could you update the code to Swift 3.0 instead of Swift3B?
I’m sorry you’re having issues with the code being stuck in a beta version of Swift 3. However, since these screencasts are meant to be really quick nuggets of information, that we don’t expect people to follow along with, we’ve taken the decision not to update the code that goes along with them.
I realise that this might be frustrating for you, but we are limited in what we can produce, so are concentrating instead in creating new screencasts and courses. There are quite a few courses that are currently having extensive updates, to not only bring new content, but to also bring them fully up to date with Xcode 8, iOS 10 and Swift 3.
Sorry this probably isn’t what you want to hear!