Learn how to add Siri functionality to your app, by creating a SiriKit extension.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/4984-ios-10-creating-a-sirikit-extension
Learn how to add Siri functionality to your app, by creating a SiriKit extension.
Where is the starter project? The supplied project seems already completed
Hi @frohmen
Screencasts don’t have starter projects - they’re not designed to be follow-along in the same way that courses are. The completed project is provided as a reference of the code discussed in the screencast.
@samdavies I want users to be able to ask siri to search for something in my app and when they do “siri search for pictures of dogs in myapp…” it would launch my app and display the searched request. How do i do this please? is this the right video?
Hi @kyeesa,
SiriKit is limited to just a few domains right now, but you’re in luck - photo search is one of them.
I didn’t directly cover photo search in any of the videos, but the concepts are identical. So watch the videos, and then read this part of the documentation, which describes the photo search intent:
The two together will hopefully be enough to get you up and running with SiriKit in your app
Hey sam, one more question… I don’t know weather to but the swift 3.0 apprentice book or subscribe for the $19.99pm for subscription…? or if I subscribe does the PDF of the book come with the subscription? thanks
Hi @kyeesa,
The Swift Apprentice book doesn’t come with the subscription no - just iOS 10 by Tutorials.
It all depends on your preferred way of learning. If you find interactive, follow-along videos then the video subscription is for you. The Swift series has recently been updated to Swift 3, and follows along with the Swift Apprentice book.
The video subscription also gives you access to a huge back-catalogue of iOS series, a lot of which is currently being updated to the latest Swift syntax.
The book goes into slightly more detail, and would suit you if you prefer learning by reading.
Hope that helps you make your decision
This project didn’t compile as downloaded. It is necessary to set the development team for each target and also the bundle identifier for some targets. After that it compiles and runs but gives the following log message:
2017-02-21 15:46:35.415767 WenderLoon[268:9873] [LogMessageLogging] 6.1 Unable to retrieve CarrierName. CTError: domain-2, code-5, errStr:((os/kern) failure)
This doesn’t cause a crash, at least not yet. I didn’t go beyond this first screencast yet.
Hi @lummis,
This screencast is meant to be a quick intro to a topic. As such, the project isn’t kept up to date with new releases of Xcode. This was created as part of an Xcode beta back before iOS 10 was released. Since then, Apple changed how some of SiriKit works.
The screencast still has huge value, but the project won’t run directly.
However, as a subscriber, you have free access to iOS 10 by Tutorials:
This book has projects that were confirmed to work with the official release of iOS 10. I suggest you take a look at the projects included with the book to see how they differ from the screencast.
Hope that helps