Introducing monetization of mobile apps without ads with Pollfish SDK

Hello everyone,

I would like to introduce you to Pollfish. Pollfish is a mobile monetization SDK that pays up to 20x more than classic mobile ad networks. It distributes surveys through mobile apps and pays app publishers per completed survey. Users complete surveys in order to get into draws for several prizes and also out of curiosity.

Monetization without ads but with surveys is a quite new method for publishers to make money out of their apps and it is becoming quite popular among users who find surveys an interactive format that is quite different than classic ads.

Integration of the SDK requires one line of code and can be integrated within minutes.

Pollfish provides SDKs for both Android & iOS (Objective-C & Swift) along with several plugins for other platforms and engines like Unity, Corona, Cordova, B4A, Phonegap etc. Distribution of the SDK is also available through jcenter() & CocoaPods which makes integration even easier.

You can see the look and feel of Pollfish surveys below:

Looks like an interesting alternative to ads. Do you have examples of apps already in the app store with pollfish integration? What kinds of apps work best with pollfish (games, productivity…)

Hello @mthon, you can easily find apps that use Pollfish both on Google Play or AppStore with a simple search. Have a look here. However trying to see a real survey at the moment you check within a specific app is not the suggested way to test Pollfish since surveys start and stop at any time based on survey creator needs. The best way to check Pollfish surveys look and feel is through our Demo apps on Google Play or AppStore (I am not allowed to post more than 2 links in a response so you can easily search them). Let me know if that helps :slight_smile: