Hey, the solution is in the challenge file, thanx for the quick conversion to swift3/Xcode8 though.
Hello Brian,
Should all classes and or structs that you create be in their own separate file?
I can see were subclasses of your class could and probably should be in the same
file as your class.
Itโs really up to you, your team, or your style guide. A good rule of thumb is to group classes together that are all interrelated and have dependencies on each other. Otherwise, keep them apart. I hope that helps!
Thatโs good to know, Brian. I guess I had some pre-conceived idea that each
class needed to be in its own separate file.
Can I use struct but I still want to use the reference? Like what we did in C/C++?
let a = &b // something like that to tell swift I want to use a reference
Can I use class but I donโt want to use the reference?
let x = copy(y) // something like that to tell swift a explicit copy should be made