I would like to know if any SceneKit knowledge is required in order to understand this book or it’s included and if I can understand it even if I have a basic level of xCode development.
Thank you
Hi @lordsus, thank you for asking your question on here! I believe having basic knowledge of SceneKit is great but the authors do an awesome job going through each chapter and have it geared towards those who have never used ARKit. If you want to familiarize yourself some more on ARKit below are a few tutorials you can go through on here.
So it won’t be a problem for me to go through all the topic of the book. I think I will wait October 15 for the new ARKit 2 version, do you know if the paper version will be available immediately?
Thank you.
Hi @lordsus, there are some visuals throughout the book but I am not sure when the paper version will be out. Would probably be best to keep an eye out.