IGListKit: Multiple Sections and Updates | Ray Wenderlich

In this video, you'll learn how to use multiple section controllers and how to update your list when your data has changed.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/5018-iglistkit-multiple-sections-and-updates

In IGListKit 3.0. What replaces IGListCollectionView? It doesn’t seam to exist anymore. Do I just use a normal UICollectionView instead?

Correct, you just use UICollectionView instead.

See migration guide for more details β†’ Migration Reference

Removed IGListCollectionView
You can simply find regex IGListCollectionView([ |*|(]) and replace with regex UICollectionView$1 in your project to fix this.

thanks. I was looking for this :grinning: :grin:


How to make tableviewheader using iglistkit ?
Do you have any example?