I was reading a Server Side Swift Vapor V.1.0.1, but, I had a problem.
(p.77 Build, deploy and test)
I got a error message when building app.
Error: Portal Error: the portal timed out before it could finish its operation
Identifier: Core.PortalError.timedOut
Here are some possible causes:
- user forgot to call
portal.close(with: )
These suggestions could address the issue:
Can someone help me?
Hmm can you try to rerun the deployment, if you get same error, can you try to send app slug and environment to support@vapor.cloud
Good Morning, I have a similar problem, but with the checkout branch “master”.When I write “vapor cloud deploy” and after choosing the application and project, when the terminal should give me my URL it shows this error:
env: production
db: none
replicas: 1
replica size: free
branch: master
build: clean
Creating deployment [Done]
Connecting to build logs …
Waiting in Queue [Done]
Starting deployment: ‘rwrw-til’ [Done]
Getting project from Git [my git] [Done]
Checkout branch ‘master’ [Failed]
Successfully deployed.
it failed the Checkout branch, but I already check the existence and it exists. Can anyone help me?
Thank you very much.
Hi, to be able to help you with this, please send app slug to support@vapor.cloud