Kodeco Forums

How to Write an iOS App That Uses a Web Service

A tutorial on how to write an iOS App that uses a web service. Comes with a companion tutorial showing you how to make the web service itself!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/3088-how-to-write-an-ios-app-that-uses-a-web-service


Thanks for the resource, but if I download the project or build it in Xcode 7 iOS 9.1 it has heaps of errors. Also it uses libz.1.2.3.dylib which I think it supposes to be replaced with libz.1.2.5.tbd.

Unsupported compiler ‘com.apple.compilers.llvmgcc42’ selected for architecture ‘i386’
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/PromoTest/main.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/PromoTest/PromoTestAppDelegate.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/PromoTest/PromoTestViewController.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/NSObject+JSON.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/SBJsonParser.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/SBJsonStreamParser.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/SBJsonStreamParserAdapter.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/SBJsonStreamParserState.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/SBJsonStreamWriter.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/SBJsonStreamWriterState.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/SBJsonTokeniser.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/SBJsonWriter.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/ASIAuthenticationDialog.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/ASIDataCompressor.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/ASIDataDecompressor.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/ASIDownloadCache.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/ASIFormDataRequest.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/ASIHTTPRequest.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/ASIInputStream.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/ASINetworkQueue.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/Reachability.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.
Unable to determine concrete GCC compiler for file /Users/Andy/Downloads/PromoTest/MBProgressHUD.m of type sourcecode.c.objc.

It does work becuase this code is written in Objective C, and Xcode 7 is Swift 1 & 2.0 based. You will have to use an older version of Xcode to use that framework.

This tutorial is more than six months old so questions are no longer supported at the moment for it. We will update it as soon as possible. Thank you! :]