Kodeco Forums

How to Write An iOS App that Uses a Node.js/MongoDB Web Service

Learn how to write an iOS app that uses Node.js and MongoDB for its back end.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/2441-how-to-write-an-ios-app-that-uses-a-node-js-mongodb-web-service

This tutorial is an amazing availability for guys like me who are well versed with computers however never really knew the web / Xcode etc stuff. There are a few things that’ve become obsolete, just noting down here for somebody’s reference

  1. Jade was replaced with pug. data.pug needs be changed accordingly
  2. Mongodb driver updated and requires different connection function
  3. Iphone simulator does not allow http (only https)

@mkatz is there a Swift version of the iOS codebase? Thanks!

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+1 on swift version :slight_smile:

@kamat could you elaborate on the mongodb connection function. WOUld be greatly appreciated.

any Swift 2.2 version

I installed app in my local.
A location registered into mongodb.
so I can find the locations this uri.

But I can’t find any uploaded files.
I can get imageId in the app. but it is not saved.

My english is not good, hope you guys can understand :slight_smile:
@mkatz I’m stuck at “Testing it Out” step because it’s didn’t appear annotation again when I’m reset app. Even I’ve downloaded your project and run, but it didn’t save annotation when restart app too.
Swift 3.0 - Xcode BETA 1 version for everyone (Instead using MapKit, I’ve used GoogleMaps, so please run pod install when you clone my project):

Spent much time to convert this project to swift but the result is so disappointed, and it make me feel that I’ve wasted my time so meaningless :frowning2: So, if you can completed this tutorial with my project with expected result, please commit to my project to show me the solution.
p/s: Each commit of this project on github is each step of this tutorial.
Many thanks.

@jonchoi @lester Sorry, new member can’t tag more than 2 person. Please get swift version at above comment.

If you get this error in the terminal where running mongod:
[Host-Name], “nodename nor servname provided, or not known”
Open another terminal and type: “sudo nano /etc/hosts” ~> enter password
~> add one more line: [Host-name]
~> control + O (save)
~> control + X (exit)
Example: in my case the error show: “, nodename nor …”

This is great - but due for a re write in Swift

For anybody having trouble with the first part of this tutorial check out this link:

It is a tutorial by heroku for MEAN stack developers, which means it includes the part for MongoDB on how to delete,update, and post content to your own MongoDB instance

This tutorial is more than six months old so questions are no longer supported at the moment for it. We will update it as soon as possible. Thank you! :]