How to test Flutter application with selenium java

Hello folks.

In flutter can we do testing with selenium, if YES how.? other wise what kind of testing we can do in flutter to automate the application.

Selenium is agnostic to how the content is generated, it runs automations via Chrome. So, if Google Chrome can show it, it can be automated with Selenium.

Thanks for the reply,
Here we are trying to automate flutter android app using selenium java. we have searched alot but couldn’t find any solution. can you please guide for any reference it would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance.

I could be wrong, but I don’t believe you can automate Android testing with Selenium. There are other solutions for that: Automate UI tests  |  Android Developers

However, since you are building your app with Flutter, you can run it on a browser (Chrome) and automate testing (Selenium). You may want to start with WebDriver.

Appium is an option I have not used it myself but you should be able to run the flutter app in an emulator and write a script for tests.

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