In this tutorial, you’ll use ILSpy and AssetStudio to extract code and assets from a compiled Unity game.
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In this tutorial, you’ll use ILSpy and AssetStudio to extract code and assets from a compiled Unity game.
How do I then recompile the game after making changes? Thanks!
There’s no easy way to do that unfortunately. In the past, dnSpy was able to do this, but the project has been abandoned. The project was revived as dnSpyEx, but I haven’t had the chance to try that out yet. I recommend trying out dnSpyEx to see if that works for you.
Another alternative is editing the MSIL, but that’s a lot more advanced.
Hi, Thank for the tutorial!
Can you explain what to do it the “Assembly-CSharp.dll” is very small and does not contain all the methods?
I am trying to RE a new version of a specific app.
While the previous version had a complete and full “Assembly-CSharp.dll” with all methods/classes the new version “Assembly-CSharp.dll” is much smaller 53k(new) VS 2.1MB(old).
How do you suggest I proceed?
I’ll be happy to supply more data if you want.
Sorry about the late reply. It’s possible that the project you’re looking at has multiple assemblies. In that case, look around for any relatively large DLL files that aren’t part of the standard .NET framework.
I know I’m late but what a great and easy explanation, following the steps wasn’t hard at all. But I faced a problem when trying to extract assest from a game, it didn’t work and no assest was extracted, what can I do?
Thank you
I want to reversing the Apk to full unity project.
please help me
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