Kodeco Forums

How To Make an App Like RunKeeper with Swift: Part 2

Learn how to add achievements and banners to encourage users in the final part of this two-part tutorial on making an app like RunKeeper!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/1744-how-to-make-an-app-like-runkeeper-with-swift-part-2

Any chance to rewrite this tutorial to Swift 3?
Final project doesnโ€™t work because of lot of language changes.


Itโ€™s really a pity that cannot run the Sample code, hope to get the new swift version soon :slight_smile: thanks!

Thanks a lot for this great tutorial! I was able to convert the few required changes for Swift 3 and to have the app run!
I believe there is one small issue with the logic of the sample code to display badge while the user is running (in NewRunViewController therefore): it always restart the badge from the very first one, but a user might expect to re start from the last badge earned instead.

We would need to check for existing badge and adapt the logic of BadgeController nextBadgeForDistance(_:) to achieve this, I will give it shot as soon as I can :slight_smile: