Hello sir, Thanks for sharing wonderful tutorials of PDF. But I am unable to create multiple pages PDF, Please tell me how I can create multiple page PDF. Thanks…
You would again call “UIGraphicsBeginPDFPage()” within the “drawPDF” function. Every time you call this function a new page is created.
Thank You for the wonder tutorial for creating PDF file.
As you stated that to create a new page one must call the method UIGraphicsBeginPDFPage() but when
I call this method it returns me an error stating the following
: replacing +/-infinity with -2147483648.
: replacing +/-infinity with 2147483647.
But the PDF page is drawn successfully returning the above error
i am unable to get a solution for it,so please can you help me for the same
Thank You.
Hello sir, This is wonderful tutorials of PDF. But I am unable to display image PDF, Please tell me How can i display image in table? Thanks…
did you find a solution for this?
as per your answer i am not getting where to place “UIGraphicsBeginPDFPage()” function Inside drawpdf method.please help me.
[self drawTableDataAt:CGPointMake(xOrigin+5, yOrigin+2.5) withRowHeight:rowHeight andColumnWidth:columnWidth andRowCount:numberOfRows andColumnCount:numberOfColumns];
bu using This Pdf Page Created but data is Not rendering on next page.
yes i found a solution for the drawing.
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