How to Become an iOS Developer for beginners

High salary makes my many friends want to join in this field. But how to become an iOS developer for a beginner?

here are my opinions,what’s about yours?

A beginner can’t become an iOS developer and get paid. GUI programming is for intermediate to advanced programmers. A beginner needs to study a couple of other languages for 2-3 years, then jump into iOS programming if they are still interested. Even then, iOS programming will be hard, and it will take several years of study to be considered a competent beginner. That is why iOS developers can command high salaries. You can’t show up at work and say, “Okay, I’m ready, where are the instructions for copying the code for the iOS app that you want me to develop?”

Hi bbbestdesign,
It would have been stellar if you had posted your reasons than a link to an external site. It makes for contiguous reading.

Having been in the industry for longer than some of the new devs that want to be part of the industry, I can talk about my experience and journey and also my students that I have taught at the University to the interns that I have mentored. However there is no single story or common circumstance, each story is as unique as a fingerprint. Not all stories are success stories and that is what is important to know what was wrong.

The same way as many developers fail an interview in fixing bad code than writing good code. This is a growing market with a niche that pays and even interns and beginners earn quite well. So any one can jump in and like a roulette you can have your jackpot day or not such a good day, we have had developers that are getting younger by the year, the last I saw and met was an Australian girl in WWDC 2016 that was 9 and a developer.

If you ask me what do I know? I am still learning - everyday. So, I prefer a dialog with my team to align our learnings and provide them with clues on problem solving using a particular syntax.

I invite others to chime in their opinions, this is not more like Touch ID and the uniqueness will be more than with Face ID :wink:



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