How do you list all GKTurnBasedMatches for the current player?

I’m converting the Beginning Turn-Based Gaming with iOS 5 tutorial to swift and iOS 9. I got it working, but I would like to add a list of all the matches the current player is playing (either started or was invited to).

I found GKTurnBasedMatch.loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler, but I can’t get it to work. I just get nil for the list of games, and no errors.

I’ve tried putting the code in different places, including right after creating a match, just to test if it will list the game I just created:

func findMatchWith(minPlayers: Int, maxPlayers: Int, viewController: UIViewController) {
    if !gameCenterAvailable { return }
    let request = GKMatchRequest()
    request.minPlayers = minPlayers
    request.maxPlayers = maxPlayers
    request.defaultNumberOfPlayers = 2

    // Instead of using the default Game Center View Controller, 
    // I'm creating a game programmatically, using their first friend (matches are for just 2 players)
    GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer().loadFriendPlayersWithCompletionHandler({players, error in
        if error != nil {
        request.recipients = [players![0]]
        GKTurnBasedMatch.findMatchForRequest(request, withCompletionHandler: { match, error in
            if error != nil {
            // it does print the match I just created
            self.currentMatch = match
            GKTurnBasedMatch.loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler({games, error in
                // this prints nil
                if games != nil {
                }else {
                    // This also prints nil
            if match != nil {
                let firstParticipant = match!.participants![0]
                if firstParticipant.lastTurnDate == nil {
                    print("new Match")
                } else {
                    if match!.currentParticipant!.player == GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer(){
                        print("existing Match")
                    } else {
                        print("not my turn")

Could it be something to do with the setting for the game in iTunes Connect? or the sandbox accounts? Is there a property or listener that I have to set for this to work? I’m stumped.