How do I generate random platform

I am working on platform game in unity and I want to generate the random platform I do no how to do any help?

Hey @kumaresh,

There are lots of ways of procedurally generating levels for platformers.
I had the most luck with creating pre-made level chunks, saving those as prefabs and then stitching them together at runtime.

Is there anything specific you need help with?


Hey @blackdragonbe
I done the platformer part I need an some specific help in:
1.There should be coins in top of platforms but it has to be randomly placed, meaning not all platform should have the coins.
2. Coin has to rotate, but not using animation but with scripts. and when player collects a coin, it has to bounce before it disappears.



  1. Add coins to every platform prefab and create a script that uses Random (eg if a variable between 0 & 100 is > 50, show them, else hide them) to determine whether to disable the coins or keep them enabled.
  2. This has nothing to do with generating platforms, but the easiest way of doing this is using a tweening library like DoTween. (free on the asset store)
