Ive been trying to follow the tutorial for Tesseract OCR for IOS, Written By: Lyndsey Scott.
Heres the site link: https://www.raywenderlich.com/2010498-tesseract-ocr-tutorial-for-ios
Because I’m trying to learn the code for my own application, I am trying to use the pod for Tesseract but I’m having some trouble… I think I properly imported the pod from my pc terminal, but when I check my code in Xcode it comes up with an error message. Im using Xcode and Swift here is a picture of the error message if anyone can tell me what i’m doing wrong it would be much appreciated!
Hi @slushypuffin, welcome to the forum community! Have you tried cleaning your Xcode project (Command + Shift + Option + K) then running the project again? Sometimes that helps Xcode identify the pod.
Hi @gdelarosa
I ended up fixing it and finishing the project thanks for your help! But I’m now trying to train TesseractOCRiOS to understand handwriting within the same Xcode project! Can you offer any direction on how I should go about this?
Hi @slushypuffin, I did see that you posted your issue on another post. If I can provide help I will answer there.
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