I’ve got a question regarding the following sentence in this part of the book ( subject ) :
‘This capability allows the CPU to work with large amounts of data that wouldn’t all fit in the bank of registers.’ ( within the picture below, at the end )
Does this mean that the working together with the RAM kind of expands the memory the CPU can actually work with through this RAM - CPU registers - RAM cycle ‘flow’? Or is it mainly stating that without the RAM it wouldn’t have enough memory to work with on its own in the system? Or neither, something else? I’m kind of wondering what’s meant by this sentence, could anyone explain this further please I’ve tried browsing in different directions but I can’t get a hold of the meaning exactly so far.
My apologies if this question may be silly/stupid, it just kind of confuses me 
It’s not a silly question at all :] and a reason that the way its written as it is in the book is to keep it as simple as possible, otherwise the chapter will need to explain how the CPU actually works on a low level point of view.
To keep it simple, A register is actually super tiny compared to RAM. When you hear that this processor is 32-Bit or 64-Bit it actually means that registers are of that size. (64 bits = 8 Bytes)
Taking a 64 bit as an example, it means that each instruction is a size of 64 bits.
There are many different registers on the CPU and they all have different responsibilities. and based on the kind of instructions, different registers are affected or involved in the execution of that instruction.
But the keypoint that you may be thinking is: whats the main difference. Registers are EXTREMELY fast, they are not built the same way as RAM which is still very fast but not as fast as registers.
So why not build RAM with the same stuff registers are made of, to keep it simple, You’ll probably need to dip it in liquid nitrogen to keep it from melting
aside from how much it’d cost.
Thats to keep it very very simple. So The job of registers is the actual execution of instructions on the CPU. And the RAM is to have the data handy and ready to be picked up by the CPU and its registers to be executed.
This is definitly not an accurate answer but it gives a general idea of what’s what :]
I hope that helps
I’ll let that sink in for a minute 
Thank you for your response! 
Much appreciated.