Swift programmers, of course, can do business on Windows using the free distribution of “swift” packaged as “Silver”.
Again, as with Linux, there are a few tricks. Install the community edition of Visual Studio 2015 before you install Silver.
Swift-on-Windows, I mean, Silver, snuggles down into Visual Studio and uses its tool chain (and so is one heck of a jump ahead of Swift on Linux in this regard).
From this context, we can build the full gamut of java/android/.net/cocoa/ios/etc applications.
The Visual Studio editor does its stuff in grand style, and for code written outside the VS context, you can use MSBuild in place of the yet-to-be-saddled-and-ridden swift “build” tool Linux programmers are smiling about. (I haven’t done this hand code/MSBuild trick with Silver, but REM Objects will help you with it).
Anyway, go hard with swift on windows, Silver, free from REM Objects (no, they are not paying me: I’m just delighted to have that big Windows option available for my code projects.)