Thanks for such a great article!
I’ve used Google Analytics before, and to be honest, working with all those classes and features was so painful, especially in Objective-C. I then switched to using Fabric/Crashlytics which is easy to use but doesn’t provide many features.
I’ve implemented Push Notifications from Firebase in one of my projects and I must say, it’s much more easier to work with Firebase compared to GA.
And now I think I’m going to try out Amplitude, it’s free tier seems premium.
Hey Kishin,
Great article! I really enjoyed your detailed outline of mobile analytics and it’s importance. I especially liked your breakdown of which analytics to collect. I think custom events can give the most valuable insights into an app and what is and isn’t working.
I’d love to add the distinction between traditional quantitative analytics (such as GA, Mixpanel, Flurry, etc) versus qualitative analytics which provide user session recordings and touch heatmaps. I think qualitative analytics are crucial to knowing exactly where the app is crashing and how users are interacting with the app are vital for the success of an app. A great tool that can do this is
Would love to hear your thoughts?
Hi Emily, we’re all for informing developers of useful tools here - but let’s always declare our interests OK? It appears that you are Marketing Manager for AppSee, is that correct?
I’m not a Appsee rep just a user.
Love/Recommend Appsee just for QA and User Feedback alone but also easy use for tracking object properties
Hate Google’s Analytics UI
Was originally using Google Analytics and Flurry
Definitely recommend Fabric/Crashlytics
About to try out Heap Analytics so we can own the data we collect instead of the cloud.
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