As a long-time Microsoft developer, around the end of last year I decided (finally) to give up on Windows Phone (don’t laugh, I was very confident it would come right in the end!). Now, thanks to iOS Apprentice I’ve gone from zero knowledge of Swift, iOS and Xcode to enough knowledge to get my first half-decent iOS app into the store!
The basic idea behind my app Retreev came from being a “Dad-Taxi”. You know the sort of thing, it’s late and you’re thinking of going to bed when an SMS message arrives from your daughter along the lines of “Hey Dad, I’m not quite sure where I am but can you come and get me?!”. Followed by, “And can you be quick - there’s this guy and he’s looking at me funny!!”. So, the app automates the process of getting a map snapshot, your location and address and creating a pro-forma SMS/MMS message.
Doesn’t sound too hard, does it?! Of course, it took at least 4x longer than I expected, but I’ve learnt a huge amount along the way. I’ve just got myself an Apple Watch and copy of watchOS2 by Tutorials and I’m now looking forward to creating something even more interesting!
If anyone would like to download the app, here are some promo codes so you can get it for free - just add a comment about which code you’ve used so other forum users know what is/isn’t available.
Promo Codes