Kodeco Forums

Freelance Software Development Tips

Myself and several other successful freelancers share some freelance software development tips we've learned over the years!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/1330-freelance-software-development-tips

Thanks for this series of articles. As a freelancer of almost 1 year myself, I found this very helpful and will help me in my career ahead. To answer your question about unsolicited work, yes I have gotten offers from strangers but not through StackOverflow but through Github. I have a couple of open source projects up there so that must be the reason. I get offers from LinkedIn constantly too but they are all for full-time, on site jobs.

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Thank you for this series! I really enjoyed reading it as I consider making the leap into becoming a freelance developer.

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Cool - glad you liked it :slight_smile: And I hope you’ll like the freelancer’s lifestyle