Fails to Gradle sync

I’m at the start of chapter 02 and already am encountering Gradle issues due to how out of date the book is.

When I create the directory BuildSrc and its corresponding file build.gradle.kts, first it requires me to update the Gradle version.

I update the Gradle version to 7.3 and this is the error I’m getting when I’m trying to sync:

Cannot invoke “org.gradle.tooling.model.gradle.BasicGradleProject.getName()” because “project” is null

How do I fix this?

Hello lenduya,

This past year we’ve been seeing multiple updates in all the libraries that we’re using. We’re currently looking at this - thank you for reporting.

I’m currently looking at this and:

  • The current version works fine with the latest stable version of Android Studio (Flamingo 2022.2.1 Patch 2).
  • The latest stable version is Gradle 8.0.0 and requires some more updates.

To update to Gradle 8.0.0:

  1. On buildSrc/Dependencies.kt update android_gradle_plugin to 8.0.0
  2. Go to gradle/wrapper/ and update the distributionUrl to feth
  3. Synchronize the project

You should now have an error saying:

Namespace not specified

This is because it’s now mandatory to define it on build.gradle.kts.

Go to androidApp/build.gradle.kts and inside the android section add:

namespace = ""

Now you’ll need to do a similar step for shared configuration.

Go to shared/build.gradle.kts and inside the android section add:

namespace = "com.raywenderlich.findtime"

Synchronize the project and compile your app; everything should be alright now :slightly_smiling_face: