Hi @toojuice,
Glad to see your message! I didn’t receive a notification of your reply so I wasn’t able to answer you earlier.
I have been working on this issue in the last couple of days. I haven’t solved the issue, but I want to share what I have found out.
Before sharing my discoveries, I want to answer your question. I see the delay in the face landmarks, not so much in the boundingBox
showing the detected face if that’s what you mean. When I move my head, the face landmarks are not catching up with my face movement. Here’s a video clip I recorded. You can see that it takes a second for the face landmarks to move to the right position on my face. When I use Snapchat filters, the bear ears and fake glasses added to my face can follow immediately when my face moves. Here’s a video clip showing how the bear ears and glasses staying at their correct position on my face all the time. I am using iPhone 6s.
I think the delay is because of the amount of time it takes to run the sequenceHandler
analyzing the sampleBuffer
. The time it takes to run the sequenceHandler
is on average 0.1 second, during which time about 2-3 sampleBuffer
were dropped.
Here is the code I used to get the time-elapse measured and count the amount of sampleBuffer
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
guard let imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else {
let detectFaceRequest = VNDetectFaceLandmarksRequest(completionHandler: detectedFace)
do {
// get the start time of the sequenceHandler
let start = Date()
// run the sequenceHandler
try sequenceHandler.perform(
on: imageBuffer,
orientation: .leftMirrored)
// get the end time of the sequenceHandler
, and calculate the time elapsed.
let end = Date()
print("A frame is analyzed, with elapse time : \(end.timeIntervalSince(start))")
} catch {
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didDrop sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
print("a frame is dropped!")
When I run the code above, I get the following results:
A frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.099357008934021
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
A-frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.08487498760223389
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
A frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.08759593963623047
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
A frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.08887004852294922
a frame is dropped!
A frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.0864570140838623
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
A frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.09023606777191162
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
A frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.10215997695922852
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
A frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.09466695785522461
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
A frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.08662497997283936
a frame is dropped!
A frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.09468793869018555
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
A frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.10828900337219238
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
A frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.12512493133544922
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
A frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.11516201496124268
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
A frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.11460399627685547
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
A frame is analyzed, with elapsed time : 0.11211204528808594
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
a frame is dropped!
The time it takes to run the updateFaceView
is 0.004 second, which is very short.
I currently don’t know what to do next to solve this problem, I’ll be happy to try anything you might suggest!
Best regards,