Evaluating Job Offers: How to Decide If a Company Is Right for You | Kodeco, the new raywenderlich.com

Learn how to decide which job offer is right for you by identifying your job criteria and evaluate offers based on those criteria. You’ll also explore common factors to consider when choosing a mobile dev job.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.kodeco.com/36309982-evaluating-job-offers-how-to-decide-if-a-company-is-right-for-you
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Hey man, This was very timely and useful for me. The matrix method helped me feel better about turning down an offer. It was a decision I made in my heart, but had trouble reconciling with my head.


Hey Mike - I’ve had a few of those lately, so I know how that feels. I’m really glad it helped you out! Thanks a lot for letting me know.