Error: Failed with exit code 1

Hello Guys,
I’m stuck and would really appreciate your help!

I keep getting this same error message even for a very basic “Hello World” project. I used to have a Developer account and could submit apps to the app store. That has expired.
I’ve recently tried to build apps and load them either on my iPhone or iPad but I keep getting the “exit code 1” error message. Also, I get a window that asks for my keychain code.

I reset my keychain code, recently, and all my other apps load with no problems. Xcode is the only app that displays the keychain code window.

I also created a new Apple account but that didn’t cure the problem either. I have a new Provisioning Profile.

I’ve uploaded some snapshots to help explain my problem.
Thanks, in advance, for any and all help. You guys are the best!


XCode%20-%20Error Window%20prompting%20for%20Keychain%20code Provisioning%20Profile

Well, in the interim, I’ve solved my own problem!

First, I deleted Xcode 10.1 and downloaded Xcode 10.2 beta.

Second, I opened my “Simple App” which displays “Hello World”, only.
I got the usual popup window asking for my keychain password so, I entered it.

Third, I got another popup window prompting me for my keychain password so,
I entered it again and clicked on the “Always Allow” button.

Fourth, I connected my iPhone via cable, clicked on “Device” which connected my iPhone.

Bingo! The “Simple App” uploaded to my iPhone! I tried another app and it uploaded, also!

I’m back in business! So, if anyone else experiences this problem you might try these same
steps as a solution.


@elearner Thank you for sharing the solution - much appreciated!

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