This topic is for bugs, typos, and other mistakes in tvOS Apprentice v1.0.
Archived errata thread:
In Chapter 4: Intermediate TVML on page 86 under adding new attributes for the ratingCard selection, I believe the title should be added via a data attribute to mimic the prior behavior from Chapter 3:
<ratingCard template="videoRating.tvml" presentation="modal" data='{"title": "Rate Video"}'>
Without it, there is no title on the modal videoRating screen.
In Chapter 12 (Navigation) I keep getting a crash when adding the split view controller (around page 247), on a project Iβve build all the way from chapter 10, seems like a bug in Xcode (IBAppleTVTool going 100% CPU load).
But running the final version of the project works.
XCode 7.3
Perhaps have a look at a way of implementing it earlier, before the Interface Builder gets too heavy ? somehow working around this bug.
(Hope itβs ok to post this kind of feedback as well here)
Thanks for the feedback all! Version 1.1 is out, so closing this thread and starting a new one for v1.1.