Draw call bugthe book specifies that vertex shader is ran 6 times using draw call parameter vertexCount

Busy time of year here and very hot :sweat_smile: .

Metal by Tutorials introduces a complete beginner to computer graphics. We attempted to teach the reader enough so that they can then explore Appleā€™s Metal sample code, which is often very complex.

The book doesnā€™t fully cover modern rendering techniques, because of how complicated a subject it is. For example, Warren Moore wrote a great article on mesh shaders and meshlet culling, which is becoming a common pipeline feature. To understand this article, you need foundational computer graphics skills.

Itā€™s always tricky to work out what to include in a book, especially one as long as Metal by Tutorials, Over the few editions we have lost and gained a few chapters. I think itā€™s still important to support immediate mode renderers (Intel), but if there is a new edition next year or the year after, then I think that it will be time to move fully to Apple silicon.

Chapter 15 describes how to do tile-based deferred rendering on silicon.

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Yes that would be great indeed since everybody is using AS Macs now including me :slight_smile: haha. Till this day this book still remains the best resource to learn Metal so I will try to engage as many people to this book as possible :slight_smile: Hope u guys will continue the series :smiley:

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