DogPatch api is offline

Followed chapter 8 and 9 up until the end when I finally realized that is offline. I think it’s not a great experience to do all that work and then it doesn’t work

[quote=“jesusrod, post:1, topic:206058, full:true”]choiceadvantage
Followed chapter 8 and 9 up until the end when I finally realized that is offline. I think it’s not a great experience to do all that work and then it doesn’t work

understand how frustrating that must be after following the chapters so closely. It’s definitely disappointing when a key resource is offline and disrupts your progress. I would recommend reaching out to the support or author of the material to let them know about the issue. In the meantime, if there’s anything else I can assist with or if you need alternative resources, just let me know.

Best regards,

I understand how frustrating that can be after putting in so much effort. It seems like the DogPatch API is currently offline, which is affecting your progress. Unfortunately, this can happen with external services.

You might want to check if there’s an alternative API you can use for testing, or reach out to the maintainers mary kay in touch of the DogPatch API for an update on its status. In the meantime, you could also try setting up a local mock server to simulate the API responses.