Does the book use ConstraintLayout everywhere?

Hi. I’m looking for an up-to-date android development book for my newbie students. I’d like them to learn the cutting-edge android development practices, for example:

  • Kotlin
  • ConstraintLayout
  • RecyclerView
  • Data Binding

I can see the book covers Kotlin and RecyclerView. Does it also cover ConstraintLayout and Data Binding?

Hi Sharafat,

The book uses ConstraintLayout as the layout of choice for the apps. We think it’s a really powerful tool any Android developer should know about, so we make sure it gets plenty of usage.

As for the Data Binding question. We don’t talk about it specifically, but we do use elements that rely on data binding such as LiveData and View Model app components provided by Google.

Thanks for your interest in the book! If there’s anymore questions we can help with let us know.

