Documentation methods


I’m working on the Checklist app and i’m on pg 83 and i read a line:

“How do you know what nil means for a certain method ? You can find that in the documentation of the method in question.

Now my question is is there a form of libary where you can find all the different methods with the explanation how they work?


If you Cmd-click on an element in your code, Xcode should be able to take you to the definition of that element, which should tell you its form and how to call it. If you Alt-click on the element, Xcode can show you the start of the documentation for it.
If you go to Xcode > Preferences > Components > Documentation, you can download the documentation so you can use it offline.

Online, here’s the official library: Develop - Apple Developer
There’s also here: - a useful resource which, for any given type, will also provide the functions from the superclass or protocols the type conforms to.

Thank you for the help!