Do We Need to Provide Both Image Size for iPAD (x.png, x@2x.png)?

Dear Friends,

 I am creating iPad App using Xcode 8.2.1 and want to display image form file name "a.png" size 200 x 200  .

 I selected only iPad App and created Assects.xcassets to create a folder.  I got blank boxes  label 1x and 2x.

 My question is, **do I still need to provide 2 files of image (a.png at size 200x200 for the box labeled 1x and a@2x.png at size 400x400 for the box labeled 2x) ?  Can I provide only a@2x.png for both boxes ?**

 Thank you in advance for your help :slight_smile:


I’m not 100% sure what you want, but don’t put a 200x200 in both boxes. Try putting it just in the @2 box and test your app on the target device. iOS will make the @1 and @3 for you, but just be warned that they may not look like what you want them to look like. If you want more control, make a 100x100 for @1 and 300x300 for @3 – for example, re-render from the vector source (if that’s how you make them).

If the automatic stretching and shrinking is fine for you, then you can just leave it (but test and look at it to make sure)

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