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Developing iOS 7 Applications with iBeacons Tutorial

In this iBeacons tutorial you'll build an app that lets you register known iBeacon emitters, and tells you when your phone has moved outside their range. The use cases for such an app are infinite; the only restriction is your imagination.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/2440-developing-ios-7-applications-with-ibeacons-tutorial

Excellent tutorial. Thank you very much for the information. But, it has proven to work? I do not detect beacons

Dear Ray,

Thanks for your great tutorial. Unfortunately my iBeacon is not found although I’m sure I entered the UUID correctly. Any idea on how to debug?

Thank you,

Hello Everyone,

Anybody able to detect the iBeacon using this tutorial? Any help is welcome. Ray, I tried registering same UUID as mentioned but the beacons are not detected, any other pre requisite?

My iBeacon works fine with Particle Detector, but no success with my app that was made with this tutorial. So strange.

I found solution on SO
Need to add some key-value pairs in Info.plist

After that OS shows prompt and then status of location manager changed from
LocationServicesStateNotDetermined to LocationServicesStateAvailable
And all works fine!

soundblaste’s answer is correct, but to make the notifications work on iOS9 I had to do some additional stuff: http://blog.iteedee.com/2014/02/ibeacon-startmonitoringforregion-doesnt-work/

You can get my modified working project from here: http://zauberbohnenfabrik.at/uploads/ForgetMeNot-final-project.zip