Dear Author, I'm halfway through this incredible book!

Dear Author,
I consider myself an experienced beginner because I’ve a bunch of begginer/intro courses under my belt and have seen a good deal of Swift / iOS code for a beginner.

my experience

Starting with Apple’s Learn to Code in Playgrounds:

  • Learn to Code 1, 2, 3
  • Apple’s The Swift Programming Language (starting with Swift 2.3 Edition)
  • Stanford’s CS106A Programming Methodology (iTunesU)
  • Stanford’s CS193p iOS 9 (iTunesU)
  • Stanford’s CS193p iOS 10 (iTunesU)
  • Apple’s Intro to App Development with Swift (iBooks epub file)
  • Apple’s App Development with Swift (iBooks epub file)
  • Swift Apprentice

I continue to gain more experience as I follow along in your iOS Apprentice book, but my mouth dropped in chapter 20 - pg 456 the DatePicker -
You show how to add a UITableViewCell onto the Scene Dock!!! WOW!

I love how you chose to carefully use UITableView Data Sourses & Delegates to control this UITableViewCell! This is Brilliant!

Prior to this tutorial I had only known Apple’s App Development’s way, which had me modify a newly created static cell setting it’s height: 216, and then create multiple helper methods to control the cell - and these methods got confusing fast.

I just wanted to take a moment and thank you, the author, for showing this way and also for delegates and delegate protocols! You have been crucial in my understanding of them, as well as enabled me the ability to implement them from memory!

It’s inspired me to want to create a simple 2 ViewController iOS app tutorial for the site to help others who struggle to grasp the way delegates/delegate protocols work.
I cannot thank you enough.

Thanks again,


@h1i2j3 Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your experience with us! It is because of people like you we here at the RW team from top to bottom, do what we do: to teach, and benefit aspiring developers like yourself mobile development! Comments like yours go a long way to motivate us, as well as remind us as to what our mission is all about.

I also want to thank you for sharing what precisely it was that got you excited :slight_smile: Positive comments by themselves are great, but when you share specifics that benefited you, you also help others (like myself)! Some of these books are quite lengthy, and you sharing a teaser like the one above can definitely help other developers (junior and senior alike) by highlighting specific areas that may be overlooked. It’s also good to know that despite being an experienced developer, you found the book to still be useful!

We are flattered to know that you come to our site, and are grateful that you not only purchased the books (which others can buy from this link), but you also took the time to share your opinion about it. Thank you Rebecca. This meant a lot to us.

I will go ahead and flag the authors down to make sure they see your wonderful feedback!

I hope you continue benefiting from the book, as well as other resources from our site, and that you continue to grow, and push the limits of your skills as an iOS Developer.

Take care.

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