Had fun this last week updating my apps for iOS 11 (and iPhone X). I had to leave off the iPhone X bit to get approval. Hardware not released yet… oh well. Mostly just moving some UI elements around to avoid the swipe bar and the ‘notch’. Good opportunity to revisit some of the older apps. That @objc thing is a bit strange. I might have to look into changing the way I program buttons.
I’ve been enjoying Ray’s free tutorials for some time and finally bought the book package some months ago. Great resources. Thank you so much for the free upgrades and the ePub (iBook) versions. I’ve also been working through a number of course on Udemy when they are cheap enough ;-). I’ve been enjoying Swift programming. Maybe its Swift or that Xcode has just got so much better.
Current Locations allows geo tagging locations and sending the information by email. I run a website with a directory of local entities and I use it to gather data. Getting the location allows links to Apps Maps with directions. Photos can be included in the email. Data format text, html, xml, or json. Not exactly sure of the last two formats. It’s been an interesting project. Currently free on the App Store.
Another app I published awhile ago and recently updated is tValue. This is a simple app to calculate Student t values. A stats process to determine if two means are different. I often see data on posters that make me wonder if there is significance. This app helps me do my own calculations. This one was interesting to developed as it uses some math function written in C so I had to do a Swift <-> C bridging step. (It would be even better if I could use some old Fortran code With the recent update I’m thinking of some potential additions. Difference from zero (or other fixed value) and raw data entry. I’ll have to brush up on tables to make that work.
I have a few more apps on the store that I’ll post here if the reception from this post is positive. Thanks.