Kodeco Forums

Creator of Trainyard, Unity Expert & Indie Dev: A Top Dev Interview With Matt Rix

Matt Rix, the creator of #1 app store hit Trainyard, shares his advice on indie game development, staying productive, and more!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/756-creator-of-trainyard-unity-expert-indie-dev-a-top-dev-interview-with-matt-rix

“One common reason developers get derailed is they get bored of working on the same project, and get excited about something new and shiny.”

I’m so guilty of this. This year… I’m going to plan on some “free” time right after WWDC.

@adamrush I thought this was your best interview so far. Some great insight in there about working efficiently.

I really enjoy these interviews - keep 'em coming!

Thanks - I really appreciate the feedback. Plenty more great interviews to follow :]

Free time after WWDC… I know you’re joking.

Thanks for the interview, I really like Matt Rix and have followed him on Twitter since I started using it. That he only pops up in the timeline occasionally is testament to how hard you have to work as an independent :wink: