Creating Platforms in Chapter 4. Opacity problems in children

Hi guys.

I’m using xCode 8.0 and trying to update all the projects to the new Swift 3.

In the page 366 of the book it says:

Set the scene’s size to W: 900 and H: 200. Now drag a Color Sprite from the Object Library, name it Overlay, set its Position to (450, 100) and set its Size to W: 900 and H: 200. This sprite is merely a container, so you don’t need to see it; therefore, set its Opacity to 0%.

What I’m doing is set the Alpha property to: 0

The problem is that their children inherit this property and they don’t appear even with their own Alpha set to 1.

What am I doing wrong?

I can see why this would be confusing. Instead of setting the Alpha property to 0, click on Color to bring up the Colors pop-up and then move the Opacity slider to 0.

The upcoming Swift 3/ iOS 10 version of the book will clarify this better.

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