Creating objectron on iOS for 3D object detection in realtime

I want to create the objectron model on iOS as can be seen on this link. Basically mediepipe has it for android but not for iOS. I will be glad if someone can point me in a right direction here on Kodeco or make a tutorial for it. Here is the link Objectron (3D Object Detection) - mediapipe

Hi @zulqurnain42,

on iOS it can be achieved with ARKit. Maybe this guide helps you: Apple Developer Documentation

Thanks @prepar but this approach that is mentioned here won’t work in my case because in my case the 3D object detection should be based on machine learning on something like objectron(Objectron (3D Object Detection) - mediapipe) because different people have different looking feet which i possibly can not train the arObject for as it is not possible.

However media pipe implementation does work on python. So I am thinking of interoperability with swift and python. (3D Object Detection (3D Bounding Boxes) in Python with MediaPipe Objectron)

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