Checklists v6.0 - show title


In chapter 16, page 358, before “Type Cases” section, the “ShowChecklist” segue partially shows correct titles on ChecklistViewController. However, the same to-do list (supposedly not there) was always there regardless of which row I tapped

When I ran the source code for chapter 16 (Lists) of the book, it worked as expected

Any idea why?


Not quite sure what your question is. You ask “Any idea why?” but for which part? Do you mean why does the provided source code work as expected? Or why do you see the same list of to-do items no matter which checklist you select from the main list?

A little clarification might help :slight_smile:

Hi Fahim,

Yes, I wonder why do I see same list of to-do items no matter which checklist I select from the main list, even though it does show correct title ?

I was actually trying to compare my code and the source code but so far could not see the difference.


I believe this is explained in the book - at this point, there is no connection between your Checklist class and the ChecklistIem class. There is no way to know which item belongs to which checklist. This will be fixed in the next which begins by saying:

“but your checklists don’t actually contain any to-do items yet. Or rather, if you select a checklist, you see the same old items for every list! There is no connection between the selected list and the items displayed for that list.”

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